eDBA specializes mainly in MSSQL and Oracle databases.
Our goal is to provide our customers with "peace of mind" and excellent performance! For all their database needs.
Our specialty is in creating technological solutions for your data. We combine the best technological solutions with cost effectiveness to provide you with the best performance.
We have a variety of comprehensive solutions for your Data that are flexible, professional and will cover all the needs of your IT organization
Our services include everything from, daily maintenance, optimization, development, architectural and design, to crisis management. And we can provide this support, on-site or remotely.
Our advantage is in our experience, expertise and availability, coupled with personal service, for immediate end to end quality service!
We Support Share Point, SAP, MS Dynamics CRM, Priority, Documentum and more
Among our customers are international organizations, Financial companies, Startup and Hi-Tech companies and Government organizations like:
Siemens, Avery Dennison, Shva-Masav, Nesher Cement, Afcon, Orpak, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Volcani Center and more